Avatar bean bag dimensions

Hire Avatar Lounger Bean Bags

£13 – 20 per day. London & major UK cities.

Gin & Tonic anyone?  ….. Get the premium feelgood factor and take all the weight off your UK crowd’s feet with an Avatar lounger. It’s got a style that will take your UK event to the next-level.

Choose Avatars when your guests need immense relaxation. Think “Ibiza chill sessions” and you can picture these. London fashionistas & cool hunting UK festival revelers will love the gorgeous full bodied ambient lounge experience.

Ideal for UK outdoor cinema events, hotel rooftop parties, beach gatherings, music festivals & garden or common events. Your UK crowd will rave about how comfy you made them feel with these quilted and tactile hire bean bags. Get ready for lots of happy instagram snapping, hash tagging & all round event management praise.

How will the Avatar cope with your UK event? It’s spill-proof for most liquids, it’s lightweight and movable and it can be trusted in any weather that your UK event might dish out. Tick.

The stunning, durable, waterproof outdoor gold class fabric is perfect for all-weather events & extremely soft on delicate clothing or skin. Take it just about anywhere. The Avatar will handle your UK event in true Ambient Lounge® style.

Prefer to Buy or Want to learn more? See Ambient Lounge UK

Avatar lounger in Silverline

Fabric: Silverline
Available for London & UK hire

Fabric: Raspberry Polo
Available for London & UK hire

Fabric: Oceana
Available for London & UK hire

Fabric: Black Rock
Available for London & UK hire

Waterproof, quilted & rowdy UK crowd proof

Indoors or out, rain hail or shine our bean bags can take any UK event punishment.
Ambient Lounge® outdoor bean bags with elastics and structure.

Australia. It's time to take your living room outside.

beanbags.com.au 发布于 2016年10月28日

Avatar Lounger in action

See how the Avatar Lounger can liven up your UK event.